Skillnet Ireland & DCU: Two Exciting New Masters Programmes

Minster for State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor T.D.,  today joined with Chief Executive of Skillnet Paul Healy, DCU President Professor Brian MacCraith and Professor Lisa Looney to launch two new Masters in Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. […]

By |2019-04-30T15:08:55+01:0030 April 2019|Careers, Masters Programmes, News|0 Comments

IEEE Spectrum Where the Jobs Are: 2017

Read IEEE Spectrum's Where the Jobs Are: 2017. The keyword used in describing electrical engineering job trends this year is “high,” says Angela Keller, vice president of recruiting at the U.S. employment firm Randstad Engineering: “High growth, high salaries, high demand, high competition among hiring companies.”

By |2017-07-27T15:19:44+01:0027 July 2017|Blog, Careers|0 Comments
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