Choose the path that puts you at the heart of innovation!

This programme is at the highest European Masters degree level. It offers advanced-level courses in the theory, analysis, design, modelling and manufacture of electronic and computer systems.

The programme is highly flexible and allows participants to customise their taught Masters programme based on preferred focus areas. With a range of thirty modules to choose from, this Masters programme is highly customisable by the individual student.

With our pre-defined Majors, students have the option of specialising in one of four areas: Nanotechnology & Photonics, Data and Telecommunications Networks, Internet of Things (IoT), or Image Processing and Analysis. See Majors details below. Alternatively, students may take the programme without a Major, for maximum flexibility of module choice.

There are two intakes on to the programme per academic year (January and September) and flexible study options are provided for part-time students. An alternative entry path is provided for students who do not meet the Master’s programme entry requirements. Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate exit awards are also available.


Quick Info

September or January Entry

Full-time or Part-time Study Options

Course Application Code: DC883

Course Type: Engineering Masters Degree

Course Duration: 1 Year Full-Time (September), 18 months Full-Time (January), 2-4 Years Part-Time

How to Apply and Application Closing Dates: Please see here

Why do this course?

DCU School of Electronic Engineering Major in Network Implementation
  • Established: With a wide range of modules available, there is great scope to tailor the programme to specific needs and interests in the largest and longest-running programme of its type in the country.

  • Flexible: Combine full-time/part-time, on-campus/remote, a choice of two starting times each year.

  • Modern: The course is continually kept up-to-date to reflect changing technological advances in industry and research.

  • Relevant: Acquire knowledge and skills that are in high demand in industry.

  • Rewarding: Work on a Masters project in some of the top research labs in the country.

About the course

Programme Objectives

The main programme objectives are:

  • To obtain a systematic understanding of the theory, concepts and methods at the forefront of knowledge pertaining to selected topics chosen from a wide set within Electronic and Computer Engineering.

  • To form a critical awareness of the present-day state-of-the-art and current developments and research at the forefront of a range of selected specialised areas in Electronic and Computer Engineering together with a knowledge and understanding of specialised Electronic and Computer Engineering practice, methods and techniques.

  • To develop the ability to identify, formulate, analyse and solve engineering problems and to integrate knowledge, handle complexity and formulate judgements related to Electronic and Computer Engineering problems.

  • To develop the skills to design components, systems or processes to meet specific needs and the knowledge and understanding of analysis and design processes and techniques and the ability to apply them in unfamiliar situations.

  • To allow a more intensive exposure to modern, industry-relevant technologies through optional Majors in Nanotechnology and Photonics, Data and Telecommunications Networks, the Internet of Things (IoT) or Image Processing and Analysis.

Majors Options

Major in the Internet of Things

Entry Requirements | Fees

  • A Primary Honours degree, Level 8 with an award of H2.2 or higher in Electronic/Electrical/Computer Engineering, Applied Physics, Computer Sciences or other Engineering disciplines.
  • International candidates who are non-native speakers of English must satisfy the University of their competency in the English language. More information about DCU’s English language requirements can be found here.
  • Fees information for this programme may be found here.